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Top 6 Creative Ways to Save Money

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Do you find yourself with empty pockets at the end of every month? If so, it might be time to get creative with your savings habits. Everyone comes on hard times, so read on to find out how you can be better prepared for your next rainy day.

6 – Cut Your Utility Bills

Unplugging your appliances every night can help save money because old devices, TVs, chargers, and kitchen appliances use electricity, even when they’re off. It might seem like a bit of trouble, but experts at Energy Star say that it can help you save about $100 a year.

5 – Replace Light Bulbs

Switching to compact fluorescent bulbs can help you save money on your electric bill as well. Full spectrum compact fluorescents are very appealing to the eye, and don’t feel “industrial” when used in the home. You can find them at any home improvement store.

4 – Sell Your Stuff

The Simple Dollar website suggests looing through your belongings and putting your unwanted items up for sale. You can either do a yard sale, OfferUp, or Craig’s List. Either way you choose, selling off unwanted items frees up space in your home and brings in some extra cash; a win-win for all.

3 – Flea Market Finds

Bring your smartphone with you and visit a local flea market, swap meet, or estate sale. Look up the value and desirability of items before you commit to them or you’ll be left with a bunch of unwanted items…and have to repeat #8 above. Well-planned purchases of vintage or antique items (as well as designer clothing & accessories) can yield a pretty penny if you play your cards right.

2 – Reduce Your Cable Subscription

Some of us pay upwards of $250 a month for cable/satellite TV. It’s just not worth it. Sure, you have access to 500 channels, but do you really need them all? If you write down the networks you mostly watch, you’re likely to find that you can do away with some or all of the premium movie channels and full channel packages. In fact, many people are switching to Internet-based TV now, which also saves a lot of money.

1 – AirBNB Your Next Vacation

In many cases, you can save money on accommodations when you choose to stay at someone’s place instead of a large-chain hotel. When you compare prices, you may be surprised to learn that some AirBNB rentals are more than 50% less than hotels. Try it before booking your next vacation and see how much you can save.

Saving Even More by Making Extra Cash

If you need some extra cash in your savings account, try getting paid to take online surveys. It’s a great way to make money in your spare time…and it’s fun. You’ll get to provide feedback to companies on all of the products and services you love. And at PointClub, you’ll get points for every survey you start. Points can be saved up and cashed in for money or gift cards.

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