Your Opinion, Rewarded

Farewell Captain PC

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Hello my fellow PointClubbers,

I am so excited to be announcing my retirement. I have figured out a way to live on Mars with my fellow super heroes and Aliens.

I do Think that those who want to be space travelers are a little upset because I can’t share my secrets on how I got to Mars. I swear I did not take any money from your incentive account to fly Virgin or Amazon, I got a free flight like Mr. Strahan.

I can share the loyal PointClubbers did help me achieve my life long goal of landing on Mars. Now I just to figure out how to get my social security checks sent here. If you have any tips let me know.

I have been studying the universe since the beginning of time and Mars is where I decided to land upon. Let’s just I love a good Mars bar.

You have all been with me in my earthly adventures but now I know you are in good hands. I don’t know if you know if you know, but moons ago I asked you, “what will make you happy?”. Some of you said, “I want everything the same”. Some said, “I want something new”. I couldn’t pick one over the other because it was literally half and half of each option. So, you get both, the same with more, PointsPlus.

PointClubbers, you have been so loyal to me over the past several years. For that, I thank you. Your daily streaks activity and mission completions provided me with motivation. I got on my secret space shuttle to get to Mars and away from the strange things going on in earth right now.

Countdown Begins..

I appreciate all of your hard work and dedication to helping me complete our missions together.

I know PointClub has improved immensely. Lets just say, your new panel is going to “OUT OF THIS WORLD”.

Farewell and with much respect,

Captain PC

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