Your Opinion, Rewarded


Win 1 Million Dollars with PointsPlus.

Now you can get the same rewards with more earning opportunities with PointsPlus 1 Million Dollar Game. We asked our members what they wanted. Half of our members wanted Games and half wanted the same rewards. Instead of taking one away, we decided to do both! 

What is PointsPlus?

Every month we give away cash prizes worth thousands of dollars. By earning tokens you’ll earn chances to Win-or-Spin the Wheel! If the line lands on three “One Chance for 1 Million Dollars”, you move onto game 2, Tic-Tac-Toe. Get 3 in a row, you could be the lucky winner of PointsPlus 1 Million Dollar Game! Good things are happening for you at PointsPlus!

It doesn't get any easier than this.

Everything’s better with tokens! Start earning tokens so you can start playing PointsPlus 1 Million Dollar Game!

Here are some tips to help guide you:

  • You can spend up to 10 tokens a day.
  • Unlimited tokens can be earned daily.
  • Tokens can be purchased for 2,000 points each.
  • Get a free token for every referred friend that completes their first survey.
  • Fill out your profiles for free tokens.
  • Hidden tokens are in your dashboard, make sure you try surveys even if a token isn’t displayed.

How to Qualify:

We’re sorry for our international friends. PointsPlus 1 Million Dollar Game is for U.S. residents only. 

We’re just getting started. Stay tuned for further expansion. 

what would you do with 1 Million dollars?

We want to know what you would do if you won 1 Million Dollars!

The more you do the more chances
you get to Play!