Your Opinion, Rewarded

How to Avoid Getting Kicked Out of Online Surveys

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Did you know that you could get kicked out of an online survey for doing certain things? It’s true! Some people think they can “game” the system and get away with it, but here’s what you should know about why that doesn’t work.

Telling the Survey What You Think It Wants to Hear

When a survey asks you questions about your likes, dislikes, and personal data such as your annual income, always answer honestly. It can be a temptation to answer in a way that you think the survey is looking for, but that never pays off.

Our site flags survey answers if they start looking suspiciously inconsistent. Dishonesty is the fastest way to trigger those red flags. Here’s how we do this…A member’s profile and prior survey answers help our system get to know that person better. If answers are inconsistent with the existing data provided by the member, it’s highly likely that they will be disqualified from the survey.

We go through every one of our surveys ourselves to see what types of answers will flag our system. This helps us to detect and prevent unsavory activity (and bugs in the system) before our members are invited to participate.

In the long run, everyone benefits from honest answers — the hosts get the feedback they need and the members get paid to do online surveys.

The Survey Quota Has Been Reached

Just like a limited time sale, survey invitations are limited as well. If you’re in the middle of a survey and it suddenly kicks you out, it’s likely that we’ve already reached our participant quota.

This is why it’s a good idea to have a separate email account set up for your survey activity. Here are the top 2 reasons to do this:

  1. Your survey invitations will be easy to find in your inbox (time is of the essence).
  2. You can set up alerts when new emails come in (to help you start your surveys ASAP).

There’s an Audience “Type” Needed

The survey hosts have a certain type of participant in mind. Feedback is usually needed from a very specific number of people, with certain demographics, and in a narrow time frame. This means that a survey quota may need to be filled within a few days’ time. Starting your survey as soon as possible raises your chances of being able to complete it before this window closes.

Surveys can sometimes test participants to make sure that they’re the “real deal”. We call this type of question a “red herring” because they are meant to flag people who are answering any which way instead of honestly.

Mindlessly answering question just to get through it and get paid doesn’t work. Our system is designed to catch this type of participant…and disqualify them during the survey. In other words, the person gets kicked out of the survey!

Join PointClub Today

PointClub is everyone’s favorite place to take free online paid surveys. Members get paid for online surveys in points that can be cashed in for real dollars or for gift cards. You can get a $5 signup bonus right now — and 2000 free points for providing all of the personal data we need to get your profile set up.

We look forward to welcoming you to our club!

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